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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: rift

by Goodgnome » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:37 am

:D Figured that's where you were going. It'd be like my grandma (who is very close to technophobe) trying to play...

by shadowrage » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:21 am

Goodgnome wrote::D Define "old" -- I used to work with a grandmother who plays WoW, and had just gotten an uber-gaming rig that she was giddy about not only because it made WoW prettier, but because the company she bought it from wanted to brag about her being one of their customers because of her age and gender.
sorry i guess i should have been more clear. You know when you see an infomercial where is shows generally old people tying to do something which is so simple like draining pasta or using a blanket. But they somehow make it look incredibly difficult that they need what ever the infomercial is selling. That is what I meant.

by Goodgnome » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:14 am

shadowrage wrote:all we need now is an old person trying to play wow.
:D Define "old" -- I used to work with a grandmother who plays WoW, and had just gotten an uber-gaming rig that she was giddy about not only because it made WoW prettier, but because the company she bought it from wanted to brag about her being one of their customers because of her age and gender.

by shadowrage » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:15 am

Atelo wrote:You sound like an infomercial.
all we need now is an old person trying to play wow.

by Atelo » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:45 am

Gusai wrote:Want to play a game with a graphics engine built 10 years ago! Yay!!! Boy do I!!!!!
Or you can play a game that is brand spankng new, current and has so much more game play to offer? hrmm hard choice.

Ok so keep raIding those rehashed instances, but maybe, 6 years later, don't you deserve something better?

You sound like an infomercial.

by Goodgnome » Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:36 pm

Oh, I forgot (annoyed by this again in WoW today reminded me):

new) Can /follow NPCs. Freaking ROCKS on escort quests. Come ON, Blizz...

by Lishtus » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:20 pm

did I say Rift Blows

by Hypnos » Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:37 am

Gusai wrote:Want to play a game with a graphics engine built 10 years ago! Yay!!! Boy do I!!!!!
Or you can play a game that is brand spankng new, current and has so much more game play to offer? hrmm hard choice.

Ok so keep raIding those rehashed instances, but maybe, 6 years later, don't you deserve something better?
You are right it is brand spanking new, tbh for a new game I think it looks like shit. Don't get me wrong I like the game but what is the "so much more game play" it offers?

by Goodgnome » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:09 am

The new and different I noticed in a month of playing Rift (before I canceled the account, because I don't feel like paying for two monthly subscriptions right now):

new) Much newer graphics engine, which means the graphics look very pretty if you go out and buy a new system that can keep up with it. (Makes for a much spendier game than just buying the box and installing it, no?)

new) New zones, new creatures, new lore.

different) Less expensive ongoing pay-to-play fees than WoW

Mechanics seemed very similar. Gameplay seemed very similar. It's a good game, and if I wasn't so invested in WoW, or had never played WoW, I'd probably plunk down my money each month for Rift instead. But since fully enjoying the new graphics engine requires plunking down a bunch of extra money for new machines, and since I am so invested in WoW, I'm going back to my pretty and cartoony fun WoW... ;-)

by Gusai » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:05 am

Want to play a game with a graphics engine built 10 years ago! Yay!!! Boy do I!!!!!
Or you can play a game that is brand spankng new, current and has so much more game play to offer? hrmm hard choice.

Ok so keep raIding those rehashed instances, but maybe, 6 years later, don't you deserve something better?
