by Baio » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:20 am
Heh we had a new recruit a little while ago who was a server transfer who in our first raid with us right before we were about to pull Yogg typed "AFK for shower", we all thought he was joking cause seriously who would do that. About 5 minutes later we realized he wasn't and he was promptly gkicked and afk shower is the standard afk response for anything now in our guild.
Heh we had a new recruit a little while ago who was a server transfer who in our first raid with us right before we were about to pull Yogg typed "AFK for shower", we all thought he was joking cause seriously who would do that. About 5 minutes later we realized he wasn't and he was promptly gkicked and afk shower is the standard afk response for anything now in our guild.