I can't sleep

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by ascanius » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:43 pm

Angelinie wrote:I don't like sleeping.
I don't understand people who do. Sure, the rest is necessary, but with only one life to live I don't see the point in spending more time than necessary unconscious. There are just so many better things to do and enjoy, be it read in bed or play WoW.

by pezcore » Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:01 am

Angelinie wrote:But gosh, c'mmon, I need to take a break from WOW I think and still I can't sleep. I don't like sleeping. Why do people sleep when there is WOW?

I logged off from WOW like 2 hours ago to go to bed, but noooooooo, I am browsing around the web. Nope... I don't browse those pages you guys browse around.

Hmm was looking at mounts.I need 10 mounts for 100 and accumulating honor is a pain in the bootie when I need pvp gear you know? So, instead I spend it wisely in gear instead of pvp mounts.....

I saw Kara's mount......I want to make a group to go to Kara to get that Attune guy mount. I was thinking maybe I could do it alone but there is no way. I am just a priest. But hey If I can do Chillmaw..... nahh can't do Attune & midnight horse...

Anyway, I should try to sleep so I can get up and do my dailies lol bye
Wow is not life, you should really quit it ASAP.

by fritter » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:45 am

i got lucky when i farmed for it. i solo'd it for 3 weeks and got it, but that stupid baron mount still eludes me...and the ZG mounts

by Bees » Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:29 am

attuman is very easy with 3 (tank/heal/dps) - i'm happy to go every week (when i'm in the country)

by Somegirl » Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:27 am

Puede decir en espanol por favor?

I can't sleep

by Angelinie » Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:58 pm

But gosh, c'mmon, I need to take a break from WOW I think and still I can't sleep. I don't like sleeping. Why do people sleep when there is WOW?

I logged off from WOW like 2 hours ago to go to bed, but noooooooo, I am browsing around the web. Nope... I don't browse those pages you guys browse around.

Hmm was looking at mounts.I need 10 mounts for 100 and accumulating honor is a pain in the bootie when I need pvp gear you know? So, instead I spend it wisely in gear instead of pvp mounts.....

I saw Kara's mount......I want to make a group to go to Kara to get that Attune guy mount. I was thinking maybe I could do it alone but there is no way. I am just a priest. But hey If I can do Chillmaw..... nahh can't do Attune & midnight horse...

Anyway, I should try to sleep so I can get up and do my dailies lol bye
