I miss playing WOW.

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by Astarra » Sat Oct 30, 2010 5:53 pm

I don't even know you and I am so proud !!!

by Tahiti » Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:36 pm

I'm glad to hear you are doing well! Keep up the hard work.

<3 T

by Gusai » Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:52 pm

Thanks for the update Beast, glad to hear your doing well. Keep it up dude!!! We'll be here for you when you need us.


by Angelinie » Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:17 pm

woot! I can tell you are happy of this change... Keep up the good work.

by Beastshifter » Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:50 pm

Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the encouraging feedback. I finally got my hands on a computer again to check in and say hello.

Things are going awesome for me at the mission, I was moved to the front desk recently witch has made my program much more fulfilling with being able to help direct people to help resources from off the street or set them up for a place to sleep at night. Also helping out my fellow programmers with various things, but anyway, all is good and yes WOW can wait in the mean time I at least have my xbox360 with me that I'm able to play. (Take that society!)

Five months and three day's sober today 10/23/2010. Thanks again everyone it's good to have a network of online friends that care.


by Myztic » Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:42 pm

Good luck man!!! You can do this sir.

by Goodgnome » Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:47 am

Heh. Maybe that's why I recognized your name. Aegis is the guild a couple of buddies of mine and I set up when we finally scraped together the cash to buy the guild name when WoW first started. Most of the guild jumped ship a bit before WotLK, so they could reform as a hardcore raid guild (Aegis is just a casual guild) named Terminus Est. Have lost track of most of 'em since then.

by Hypnos » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:50 pm

Aegis, wow haven't heard that name in a long time. I was there before I went to OoO ALONG time ago

by Goodgnome » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:01 pm

Heyya, Beastshifter! Thought it was pretty cool that the guild you ended up in after starting in Aegis was The Eternal, and that I'm over here now, too. Was wondering why we never saw you online. Thanks for the update. As others have noted, WoW'll be here when you're ready to come back - but taking care of yourself is first priority.

Stay strong, and get yourself better.

by Angelinie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:52 pm

Hi Beast, I don't know you that much but I know I have seen you a few times at the time I was new in the guild. I am glad that you are one of those good people admitting the problem or addiction, that to me is a winner. And then to find the way and a solution to have a better way of life. I applaud you. God Bless and I know you will be strong thru out this process.

WOW, will always be there and you know you have a good group of friends that prefer you fix whatever you have to fix or heal entirely. We will be here and waiting for you to raid with us.

Tell me about it, there are those big changes in life that we have to go thru. I just went thru one of those moments that make you change your life. So, my heart is with you now. And just get used to this new way to live a better way of life because you know it will be better down the road for you. Take care.
