Heavy Junkboxes

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Heavy Junkboxes

by Priestofgods » Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:38 am

Hey all, been a long time since I have cruised these forums. I'm glad I at least have the Public General still open for me. Anyways, I'm working on finishing up my Insane title and I have 2 reps left. One is Darkmoon Faire which I will get eventually from making the cards. The other is Ravenholdt which I need heavy junkboxes for. I need about 1k more til I'm done with the rep.

I am willing to pay 10g per junkbox and you can COD them to me. Please if you do farm any that you send them in increments of 5 since that is the turn in number.

Thanks all and hope you are doing well.

FYI they are for Pinupgirl so send them to that character please.
