Legacy Servers

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Re: Legacy Servers

by Col » Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:24 am

Yeah I get what you mean but people really just want a museum piece. Something they'll be able to keep going back to and have it be the way it was all those years ago.

I personally don't think I could ever play a static game like that for too long without it being a true rpg. It's not like there's a ton of mounts to collect, no pet side game, etc.

Re: Legacy Servers

by Atelo » Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:56 am

Col wrote:
Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:00 pm
No Changes is a huge thing with Classic. They are pretty much keep it it like it was. Old loot system and all....
Interesting... because they really did make some improvements in the game over time that I'd like to see remain.

Re: Legacy Servers

by Col » Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:00 pm

No Changes is a huge thing with Classic. They are pretty much keep it it like it was. Old loot system and all....

Re: Legacy Servers

by Atelo » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:39 am

Col wrote:
Thu May 09, 2019 8:17 am
I wonder how the community will handle loot and all that. Given how Vanilla is, DKP was really the best option. With how long it takes to get loot, no thanks on giving loot to randos.

Remember how sweet it was for the two Warlocks and Druids? I think we were DE'ing their tier armor before I even got a piece.
I have read zero articles about Wow Classic but my guess would be they would keep the current loot system for raids and not use the old loot system. I can't see them making a truly classic version of the game without any changes and have it last any amount of time. They need to combine the best aspects of the old with the new and combine them right to get people to stay in my opinion.

Like you said, we just can't raid like we used to.

I've been playing Warframe lately, it's a fun game, once you get used to the awkward menus. Ameerah subbed to Wow for a month then cancelled it due to lack of time.

Re: Legacy Servers

by Ander » Mon May 13, 2019 6:03 pm

Col wrote:
Thu May 09, 2019 8:17 am
Remember how sweet it was for the two Warlocks and Druids? I think we were DE'ing their tier armor before I even got a piece.
Oh, how I remember.

I think what's most interesting about all this is that wow retail is struggling with it's latest expansion and everyone is stoked for wow classic. I think that, somehow, blizz is going to need to add some old school elements to their next expansion, if they want to see it come back to life.

I personally would like to see them get the next retail expansion right; it's just missing something these days. Maybe the hardcore, unforgiving nature of vanilla will bring back the magic. I have no idea how long I'm gonna be playing classic, it's a total wild card for me, but I'm definitely gonna be there at launch.

Beyond that, there are some really good looking mmorpgs coming out next year that we might be able to get together for, if all else fails. Ashes of Creation, Crowfall, and Chronicles of Elyria, to name a few. I'm liking the sound of a new sandbox mmo more and more.


Re: Legacy Servers

by Col » Thu May 09, 2019 8:17 am

I'm still playing a bit of retail off/on so I'll most likely check out some Classic.

That said, my approach won't be to recreate Col and re-live that experience. I think making the experience as different as possible will probably lead me to play it the most in the long run. There is a 0% chance I'll raid consistently for any amount of time. Thinking 10-man content will likely be my limit unless I play one of those classes that gets invited to do 40's no matter what your gear really is like. That whole never miss a raid in a year so you get the weapon is impossible now.

I wonder how the community will handle loot and all that. Given how Vanilla is, DKP was really the best option. With how long it takes to get loot, no thanks on giving loot to randos.

Another interesting thing will be how the community will handle hybrids this time around. We now know a lot more and certain builds can be a lot more viable than we thought back then. Then again maybe it'll be 12 rogues per 40 man all over again.

Remember how sweet it was for the two Warlocks and Druids? I think we were DE'ing their tier armor before I even got a piece.

Re: Legacy Servers

by Atelo » Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:26 am

Unfortunately Dart there aren't a lot of the original crew who still come back to the forums. It would be pretty cool for all of us to raid again in Vanilla... I also really enjoyed Lich King. I wonder if they'll still require 40 people to raid? We definitely couldn't do that again.

Let us know if you do return!

Re: Legacy Servers

by Dartagn » Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:02 pm

As I mentioned I am still interested in coming back in some capacity.

It really depends on what exactly Vanilla means (and it means many things to many people) as well as how many others we have.

I do think recreating Dartagn and re-living the old days would be fun.

I don't know how much fun it would be past level 30.

If our 40 man crew raged, I would happily raid with the guild. If 5 of us join another guild to try, well that sounds more like work then anything.

Re: Legacy Servers

by Atelo » Fri Apr 26, 2019 4:22 am

Ander wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:26 pm
Hi Atelo and Ameerah, it's good to hear for you! I'm planning to come back to the game for WoW classic. We are also forcing T to return so, yeah, it's happening. I hope that like, everyone comes back for this. :D

I considered coming back for the last expansion but then got an Oculus rift instead. Almost everyone who still reads the forums from the original Strife crew keep saying they'll come back but then don't, or they play for 2 months and stop.

I take it everyone has moved to Discord now too? Ventrillo hasn't worked in like a year or two.

Re: Legacy Servers

by Ander » Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:26 pm

Hi Atelo and Ameerah, it's good to hear for you! I'm planning to come back to the game for WoW classic. We are also forcing T to return so, yeah, it's happening. I hope that like, everyone comes back for this. :D

