Console vs PC Gamers

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by ascanius » Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:29 pm

The keyboard/mouse combo seems more intuitive and anatomically correct. It also seems like quick, more accurate, and more complicated actions are possible.

by fritter » Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:06 pm

haha i read this today it gave me a good laugh. i would much rather play any game on pc than a console.

by Kaohi » Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:51 pm

Quake 3 arena > Halo 3 :)

by shadowrage » Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:32 pm

Well one thing that isn't as present now as it was back in the day was being able to play with up to 4 people using one console vs 4 computers for 4 people. I remember playing the shit out of Super Smash Bros., Diddy Kong Racing, and the list goes on. Sadly now since consoles are already being pushed hard enough as it is graphically they don't have the power to render the 4 screens. One thing I enjoyed the most was friends coming over and playing games, now its call em at they're house and game separately. This is why Xbox and Playstation is pushing for their Kinect and Move so we can play lame casual body movement game which the Wii already does.

by Zamphir » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:15 pm

I was always a big fps player on the computer ...medal of honor ....Cod 1+2 ....battlefield1942 .... i have a ps3 that collects dust ...for this exact reason.... games on the console lack depth...interfaces are clunky and slow ...played Cod for console along with modern warfare .... its like driving a porche and then getting in a prius ..yeah it will get you where you want to go but...its not the same... i always thought that the keyboard mouse set up was far superior ...not to mention the graphics....consoles are wanan be pc's .. Pc wins in every catagory you could think of if you ask me ....

I found World of warcraft now i dont have time for fps games :P ill do a rts once and while ...last is supreme commander 2 .....ill get starcraft2 but prob wont have much time like sup com2

by Atelo » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:42 pm

I've played against keyboarders before, they were always a joke. Most keyboarders can't even hit a good mouse player.

Obviously if the rest of you hadn't played much FPS games, a veteran keyboarder would beat you. If however you had any experience at all, he just wouldn't be able to turn fast enough or aim accurately enough to beat a mouse player. That's why console FPS games all have auto aiming to assist them.

If you were all veteran mouse players and he still beat you, he was cheating, using a bot to aim for him.

Still, I used to play Quake 2 CTF competitively in tournaments. There was a guy one time who was clearly a keyboard player. He couldn't move very fast, never 'strafe jumped' for speed, turned slowly etc, grappled like a complete noob. But somehow he had a 75% railgun accuracy. We still ran circles around him and were able to kill him faster than his auto-aim bot could hit us. His bot only auto-aimed at anyone who was on his screen, so he still needed to turn fast enough to keep us in his view, and just couldn't.

He later admitted to using the bot and was baffled at how we still slaughtered his team. The score was something like 15-2. He said he used the bot to "even the odds" because everyone was just so much better.

by Goodgnome » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:18 pm

Heh. Years ago, I took my sysadmin with me to a LAN party, playing Doom II or Unreal. Everyone laughed when they saw he moved his keyboard squarely in front of him and moved the mouse off to the side out of the way.
He had more kills than everyone else combined using only the keyboard. So we told him he had to start using the mouse to handicap him.
He had more kills than anyone else, and still had fewer deaths than anyone. So we told him he had to use the joystick he'd brought for another game.
He was second in the kill rankings, and third lowest in the death rankings.

I'm pretty sure a configurable keyboard = win. :)

And if you like to play on the TV, well, that's what HDMI cables and wireless keyboards/mice were made for. ;-) (yes, Healingsoul, I know I need to set this up for you on our TV, still... ;))

by Ander » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:58 pm

I didn't say it was superior I was saying it was preferable because I like playing video games with a controller as opposed to a key board. I mean you have triggers and joysticks and what not, I donno it just feels right. Kind of like how people like playing driving games with a steering wheel, it's not because it plays better it's just for fun.


P.S. I also like to play on the t.v. as opposed to the monitor.

Console vs PC Gamers

by Atelo » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:13 pm

This is for Ander, who thought controlling a shooter on a console was superior to PC mouse & keyboard.

Microsoft does not allow PC gamers to play with XBox gamers because in testing, PC gamers destroyed console gamers. ... 10924.html

Basically, to allow this would promote the PC as a superior gaming platform and that isn't what MS wants.
