Tax fail

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by Bees » Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:29 am

Zamphir wrote:i am all in favor of a 15% flat tax ... the tax code could be written on a napkin .. for every dollar you make you pay .15 cents .. end of story deductions exceptions nothing ...
ahh, "for every dollar you make". that sentence already has enough loopholes for the rich to get out of paying tax :)

by pezcore » Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:17 pm

Sgtstadanko wrote:The reason why we are in this mess is cus the middle class was getting to close to the upper class.So the upper class stops investing and pulls there investments while the super rich dump their investments.Therefore putting the middle class that spent too much back where they belong. America should tell these companies if your going over seas to employ cheap labor then we will tax you heavier for it but it doesn't fit the interests of the politicians that get their pockets lined.They dont care about the poor because they will most likely stay poor even with the handouts.They just care about keeping the middle class where they belong.The super rich all over the globe control everything and the only way to take back our or anyone country really is civil uprising and take back control of our great countries.But you cant get rid of greed in men so nothing will really ever get fixed.
I stopped at "cus" :O

by ascanius » Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:15 pm

Zamphir wrote:"we will be increasing taxes on all while decreasing entitlements."

"we will be increasing taxes on all while INCREASING entitlements "

fixed it for you


I certainly hope thats not the case; we've already been doing that too long. If we don't start paying off our debt, especially when payments to foreign governments (cough China cough) we will ahve some serious financial issues. Foreign government will drop their holdings and fuck our economy in a very unpleasant place (except in Cassidy's case, and 39% of other women; and a larger percentage of males). That is unless our government and citizenry are alright with low (and even negative) long-term growth, and the effects of that on future generations.

With a disappearing middle class (a very bad thing) we need to increase taxes on the wealthy (including well off businesses) and try to alleviate taxes on the middle/low income bracket. We also need to stop spending and reduce spending in many areas.

Sgtstadanko wrote:The reason why we are in this mess is cus the middle class was getting to close to the upper class.So the upper class stops investing and pulls there investments while the super rich dump their investments.Therefore putting the middle class that spent too much back where they belong. America should tell these companies if your going over seas to employ cheap labor then we will tax you heavier for it but it doesn't fit the interests of the politicians that get their pockets lined.They dont care about the poor because they will most likely stay poor even with the handouts.They just care about keeping the middle class where they belong.The super rich all over the globe control everything and the only way to take back our or anyone country really is civil uprising and take back control of our great countries.But you cant get rid of greed in men so nothing will really ever get fixed.
The middle class is not getting close to the upper class, and in truth the opposite is true. The wealthy are increasingly bigger holders of the GDP and the middle class is shrinking (and not because more are becoming wealthy). The wealthy do invest/save more than the those with lower incomes, but the decreasing size of the middle class has nothing to do with the wealthy saving/investing less. It has to with what you later pointed out about our businesses increasing reliance on cheaper foreign labor. While we could penalize businesses for picking up foreign laborers for cheaper, the problem would be those businesses would find it harder to compete with foreign businesses. Then our only recourse would be to setup barriers to foreign businesses, which will force those businesses' governments to do the same thing hurting our businesses even more.

A revolution won't happen and could not succeed.

Our hope relies on better educations (especially in the sciences), and those who benefit from this creating new industries. Chances are though, this will only be a minor relief. We're bound to have economic difficulties as economies around the globe converge, and our economy will grow at a much slower pace as poorer ones increase until we all hit some floating relative economic size point (an economic convergence theory). A lot of our long-term growth in the past had to do with cheap immigrant labor being abundant, but less of that (thank you Arizona...) and an increasing reliance on a competitive skilled labor market (smaller manufacturing sector) limits our growth (along with less being saved by the average American).

Or we might just have have a shitty economy after decades of economic superiority induced slothfulness/bad habits. I doubt things will never be fixed, it will just take a lot of time and really bad consequences until future generations are tired of becoming a 3rd world shell of our former self.

by Sgtstadanko » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:03 am

The reason why we are in this mess is cus the middle class was getting to close to the upper class.So the upper class stops investing and pulls there investments while the super rich dump their investments.Therefore putting the middle class that spent too much back where they belong. America should tell these companies if your going over seas to employ cheap labor then we will tax you heavier for it but it doesn't fit the interests of the politicians that get their pockets lined.They dont care about the poor because they will most likely stay poor even with the handouts.They just care about keeping the middle class where they belong.The super rich all over the globe control everything and the only way to take back our or anyone country really is civil uprising and take back control of our great countries.But you cant get rid of greed in men so nothing will really ever get fixed.

by Zamphir » Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:32 am

"we will be increasing taxes on all while decreasing entitlements."

"we will be increasing taxes on all while INCREASING entitlements "

fixed it for you


by Ander » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:08 pm

Yeah, we Americans really screwed ourselves, all well.


by ascanius » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:31 pm

Have no fear Americans, you won't have to worry about this much longer. As our national debt skyrockets, once we start having to pay down that bill (within the next 10-20 years as twenty-five cents for every dollar taxed goes to interest payments) we will be increasing taxes on all while decreasing entitlements. You can thank our awesome dichotomy of party views on taxing and spending. Better hope for some radical fiscal reform before its too late.

by Atelo » Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:59 pm

You're forgetting the government is run by the rich.

by Goodgnome » Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:46 pm

Zamphir wrote:i am all in favor of a 15% flat tax ... the tax code could be written on a napkin .. for every dollar you make you pay .15 cents .. end of story deductions exceptions nothing ...
Hear, hear! Turns out, every time someone says "tax the rich" what they mean is "vote for us while we abuse and/or use you". Flat tax, no loopholes, no rebates, just 10-15% on all income. Want to put pre-tax dollars into retirement funds? Fine, but you'll be taxed whatever the going rate is when you withdraw the money. Don't want to get taxed when you take it out? Don't put it in pre-tax. Simple. I think I saw a study that if everyone (individuals & businesses) was subject to a flat tax, America would be out of debt within a decade or something ridiculous like that. Businesses should probably only pay tax on profits, not revenues, but still.

The biggest problem with that policy is that megacorps will just close down their American installations and go offshore, so they could avoid the taxes somewhere more favorable to businesses, which leads to job losses, which leads to economic downturns. :| Not sure how to keep that from happening, which would be important. (I like having an income - it lets me support my family!)

by Zamphir » Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:33 pm

see but actually making them pay wont happen ...because you have people like Kerry making the laws....its all a game ...a game for your vote, a game to pit one against another ...

i am all in favor of a 15% flat tax ... the tax code could be written on a napkin .. for every dollar you make you pay .15 cents .. end of story deductions exceptions nothing ...

all men are created equal right? all men are equal in the eyes of the

i am not rich ...i make a modest means .... but i dont believe in punishing the rich ...or rewarding the poor... the idea is the law makes everyone equal ...equal at the start ..where you end up is up to you ... want a flat screen? get off your ass and work for it...want a iphone....get off your ass and work for not paying your welfare so you can have your iphone ...

what makes the goverment think they are entitled to your profits brianore? to anybodies profits ...? they are not entitled to the fruits of ANYBODIES labor...
