We Down Bosses...
Lots and lots of them.
Raid Times
Raid times are Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. server time.
Main Benefits
-Friendly Atmosphere
-Casual member rank lets you or your friends and family join the guild with no raid requirements.
-9 hour per week raiding schedule.
-Balanced loot rules - with no clunky DKP system to worry about.
-We can all endure glitches and bugs together while Bioware fixes their dang game.
-Did I mention we down bosses?
-Did I mention epic loots?
-Did I mention OJ Simpson?
-No relation to the guild but what he did was messed up, I'm glad he's in jail.
To Apply
If you think Seems Legit is the right guild for you, go to the Application Thread and post an app. See you in game!
Why Join Seems Legit?
Why Join Seems Legit?
It's kind of like watching "The Guild" and realizing you're one of the characters.