1 Whole Year

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1 Whole Year

Post by Atelo »

Timeless was founded on Dec. 29th 2005 from a majority of Strife members who were forced to leave the good name and progress behind because the GM of that guild wanted to leave the guild to form a new one, but not allow the members to raid under that name.

By joining up with a small group of friends in a guild called Intense, we were back to raiding within days of Strife falling apart. The enthusiasm was at times pretty entertaining with the infamous "Send me raid" message and subsequent spam of macros from the 50+ people online, filling the raid within seconds. If you blinked, you missed out on an invite and had to wait on the list.

The guild always maintained a relaxed environment compared to other raiding guilds with lots of fun and joking on Teamspeak and Vent before, during, and after raids. The friendly attitudes of most guildies helped people cope with a lack of sleep from the sometimes insane hours spent pushing one or two buttons on your keyboard.

We often raided until midnight server time with only a few people leaving early due to work or a nagging wife. The guild flew through BWL, regaining much of the ground lost in Strife while we trained the ~15 new people from Intense. They caught on quickly and within 2 weeks we were back at Chromaggus and soon on to Nefarian, having lost only one position on the e-peen list to Defiance as a result of the guild breakup. (Defiance was always Strife's main competition for progress, often killing new bosses within days or hours of each other).

Soon the enthusiasm was crushed by 600+ queues on Hyjal and the subsequent PVE->PVP realm transfers that saw at least 10 core raiders, some initiates and other members (around 15 total) jump ship for the hope of better PVP. Raiding on schedule was next to impossible with such long queues and after this, there was never another raid to fill up within seconds as before.

The guild has seen many ups and downs, losing people to drama, quitting the game, selling accounts, hacked accounts and finally a surge of lost people to the mere anticipation of the expansion (causing attendance problems).

Despite all that, the guild has survived and continues to raid and will continue on into the expansion with an aura of respect and friendship in and out of the guild. This ability to keep on ticking is why I chose the name, Timeless.

Congrats Timeless on 1 year!


Brief History

Chromaggus Dead: Jan 14, 2006
Nefarian Dead: Feb. 4, 2006

Skeram Dead: Feb. 20, 2006 [Gates Opened when?]
Huhu Dead: May 8, 2006 [Emps not attempted for 2+ months)

Razuvius Dead: July 18, 2006
Anub'rekhan Dead: Aug. 2, 2006

Twin Emps Dead: Aug. 16, 2006 [Ass kicked in Naxx = enthusiasm for AQ40]

Faerlina Dead: Aug. 28, 2006
Maexxna Dead: Oct. 3, 2006

Lord Kazzak, Azuregos and all 4 Green Dragons also slain.


Alliance First Hand of Ragnaros went to Frendab in mid-December 2005. Even though this was Strife, it was close enough to mention.

Alliance first drop of Bindings of the Windseeker went to Kalais in Strife. About 10 months passed with several other guilds getting one or more TF's, some guilds with both bindings dropping on their first kill. We sold Elementium Ore to AMP and Apocalypse Legion for their TF's since we had quite a buildup. The other half finally dropped in Timeless when Kalais missed his first raid in 10 months. We recruited TF's instead :/

Alliance first Ashkandi went to Sigh on our very first Nef kill (who transfered to Black Dragonflight). The Ashkandi became quite common for us after that while the Staff of the Shadow Flame took 7 months to drop :(
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Post by Dartagn »

Kinda Reserved. I will post some of my better screenshots of the last year. I know I have some classics.

I urge the rest of you to do the same. Today is a day to reflect on the past (for you old heads) and to hear a bit about it (for the new folks) this guild will be whatever the members make it over the next year. I hold no doubts that it will be grand.

Timeless' first Nef kill Vid: http://site.golfcartgiant.com/austin/nef.wmv
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Post by Killtacular »

I'll Echo Atelo and Dart's sentiments. I'm proud to say that I've been a part of this guild since the start. And saw it turn from a misfit band of people who were just trying to find a home after the strife break up into a formidable end game raiding guild. To be honest this guild has exceeded any expectations I could of had for it 1 year ago. And through the dedication and perseverance of all of the folks still here today and many veterans we regrettably lost along the way, this guild through all it's ups and downs has made it to the x-pac. And with the unique changes coming in the x-pac, I think maybe more than ever this will be the time for Timeless to truly flourish. With the smaller raid sizes and the many different raid instances not only will it be a breath of fresh air among all the drudgery and redundancy that seems all to prevalent in the game right now. I think it will rejuvenate many who have lost interest in this game. And on a more personal level will be tailor made to the guilds of tight nit members who are friends who hovered around being able to get 40 online for a raid as opposed to the overblown guilds who have 60 on now. It will be those guilds who will be facing challenges over the next few months. To all the people who stuck it out here in Timeless. All the hard work will soon pay off.


Wow that video brings back some memories. If you look closely we have there on film maybe the only time I have ever complimented paladins. The reason for the "I love paladins" was the last 2% of that fight I got about 5 loh's haha. Good times.

Remember, remember, the 5th of December,
The patch day treason and plot.
I see no reason, for MS and Cleavin',
Since Tseric wants us to spec Prot.
-Vortigen, Doomhammer
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Post by bratkat »

Hehe I was there the day it was formed back before I joined Insurrection. I had tried to get into Timeless at that time as it was being formed (I only knew cause of Jassaris).
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Post by Kalverin »

I wasn't around when Timeless was initially formed, but I have to say that raiding and playing with all you guys has been my most enjoyable online gaming experience across the different games that I have played. I think its incredible for a community of people, connected with little but trust and a common goal have managed to stick it out for one year. In a climate where guild break ups are sometimes joked on as being amusing, routine and commonplace, Timeless has held together as a group of friends for an entire year. The founding members who are still around are to be commended for their perseverance, loyalty and their role in creating what has been and will continue to be a great place to call home.
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Post by Atelo »

Killt, The best part is where everyone was so excited for the kill that they forgot you had a couple of priest dots which killed you shortly after :D
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Post by Killtacular »

A surprisingly large number of our guild firsts result in me dying seconds after the boss. Huhu comes to mind.

Remember, remember, the 5th of December,
The patch day treason and plot.
I see no reason, for MS and Cleavin',
Since Tseric wants us to spec Prot.
-Vortigen, Doomhammer
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Post by Sentinel »

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Post by Atelo »

I have lots of old Strife videos from first kills of Vael, Broodlord, Bloodlord, Kazzak, but only two of Timeless killing Nef and Faerlina. It might be too much to post on the site, 11 vids, 320mb. They're pretty entertaining though. I could have swore someone took more Timeless vids than that.
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Post by Dartagn »

I took a Nef kill vid of my own, but I didn't use FRAPS that often and I don't know that I have any others. Like the screenshots, I will go through my video library and see what I can edit tonight. (I also still have the Faerlina Duck-Duck-Goose footage).

I am Intensely (pun intended) proud to be a "founding" member, and have loved the ride thus far. Thanks <Timeless>.
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