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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:29 am
by Atelo
Timeless is still recruiting however we are only recruiting extremely well geared and experienced players. This means you should be in most or all of Tier 2 if you wish to apply.

Attunement was taxing, but we did it and from the looks of it, the only guild other than Casual on alliance side to enter Naxxramas so far. Good job to everyone!
The instance seems good so far although we only ventured into the Death Knight wing and attempted the first boss, Instructor Razuvious. This guy hits plate for 8-12k and will one-shot a tank in full Tier 2, which makes the encounter very different. Trash pulls are always annoying as everyone wants to get to the bosses but the trash here seemed fun and easy, and should not take up too much time.
Mage Spells?

And since I'm a mage, I'm not forced at all to do Stratholme until I get two mildly useful spells. Actually I'd much rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon while listening to Bjork. At least this mage spell does exist.
Naturally we cleared every last boss and every last mob, left nothing standing and not a single mage spell dropped. We got 3 Prayer of Fortitude, 2 Arcane Brillance and 2 Gift of the Wild though, which were extremely useful. Yes.