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Progress News

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:57 am
by Atelo
Twin Simmons downed. They really need to give these guys less-gay voices. Good job to everyone involved! Yes, it seemed to take forever for us to kill them, but we didn't even attempt them for about 2 months after killing Huhu for the first time on May 8th (3 months and 9 days ago). We had shifted focus to Naxx, and only once getting our asses kicked over there did we have a renewed interest in AQ40. Quite funny really :)
Someone have a better screenshot? This happens every kill! You all get everyone to line up for a SS and then don't send them to be posted and make me post my hastily-taken ones. Then you bitch at me for putting a crappy SS up.

This kill cost the guild bank approximately 3000g across all attempts we made.

In other, old news, we killed Anub a couple of times and should be adding Faerlina to the list this week.