Mexicana Barbequed

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Mexicana Barbequed

Post by Sentinel »

Update: Noth the Plaguebringer no longer bringin' it

We dropped Noth on Thursday as well this week. No one took a screenshot! :(

Fiesta Time!


Mexicana Down


Looking for a skilled priest to fill a recent vacancy, preferably short and fat, with the innate ability to Find Treasure. We're always looking for quality applications of any class though, with skill, quick reflexes, experience, and mostly Tier 2+ gear.

Besides looking for particularly a Dwarf Priest, we are also looking at bolstering our ranks by a few members and are considering all classes, yes even possibly a rogue. Same gear, raid experience, and raid attendance is asked of everyone, Dwarf Priest or not. Feel free to apply or ask questions.