We have officially picked our WoW Classic server: Atiesh. It's a normal PST server, just like Hyjal. WoW is now allowing people with an active sub to reserve their character names, so if there's a name you want, get on today! (Unless you're cheap, like me. I bet you wish your girlfriend was cheap like me...... wait...)
Hey Ander, good to hear. Still not sure if I'll play yet... but if it's Classic WoW, shouldn't we be called Timeless or Strife?
We didn't become Eternals until BC.
So, do we have to somehow field 40 people for a raid still? I wonder if that's even possible these days.
I seem to remember using the light of Elune a few times for 10s invulnerability. I think I still have some in my inventory.
I also have a vague memory of using a Nightfall axe, but we never had a lot of spellcasters to make it worth while.. increasing my, Atreu and Poobah's dps wasn't worth it when you have 17 rogues and 8 warriors.
Oh yeah, that's a good point about spellcasters in our guild. We should have called our guild "Legend of the Rogues".
We will again have to field 40 peeps if we want to raid. They're trying to stay faithful to the vanilla experience for the classic version, even to the point of slowly rolling out dungeons, raids, and pvp battlegrounds. So when classic releases, you won't be able to do Dire Maul, or even pvp in a battleground. From what I remember, they're even planning on rolling out the honor system at a later date, so that everything gives people a sense of progression.
I know that they're working on classic WotLK and BC servers, and that there's even talk of adding new content to vanilla if it's really popular. Blizz has nothing else going for them right now, so why not? XD
Interesting.. I thought they would release classic WoW as it was just before BC with all raids available.
Does this mean we get the infamous loot bug again where we run around the whole map in the loot position, but unable to loot anything? That was some great classic WoW experience.
The reason they don't release it all at once is that some of the later content was really meant as a catch up mechanic and so it can be used to skip content. Like you can probably do the later raids with just ZG and DM gear plus whatever resist gear.